Disarm Pharma

With thanks to the TN Chapter of Children’s Health Defense for sharing their Disarm Pharma campaign page.

In 2018, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, a mental health industry watchdog, published a public interest report titled Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide, School Shootings & Other Acts of Senseless Violence. The authors wrote:

“The information in this report is not to excuse violent crimes and make the perpetrator blameless, but to demonstrate why there may be a much different type of violent behavior that police and the community face today compared to 50 years ago. All psychotropic drugs are called that because they are mind-altering or mind–turning. For some of those taking them, the consequences can be serious. For the community, where the psychiatric drug consumer acts wittingly or unwittingly due to the drug’s adverse effects and kills, the results are tragic and catastrophic.

Doctors Charles Gant and Greg Lewis wrote: “The area in which we need much more restrictive laws” is “against allowing psychotropic chemicals to get into the brains of children 21 years of age and younger, during which time their brains are developing and very vulnerable. The war against drugs needs to begin with eliminating prescription psychotropic drug availability to and used by our children.”


Children’s Health Defense’s [and Informed Choice WA’s] mission includes bringing to the public’s attention matters that violate fully informed medical consent. If parents were being given prior, full information about the risks of psychiatric drugs—which include those prescribed for depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more—then the epidemic of prescriptions and associated violence would not be happening.

Fully informed consent requires not just the risks and benefits of any suggested medical intervention, but also the alternatives. But when the medical intervention is a drug market worth USD 21.5 billion in 2022, and projected to increase to USD 33.5 billion by 2030, then less profitable alternatives, and alternatives with no profit at all (such as diet changes which improve mental health issues) are ignored by the medical industry.

Please explore the resources below, share them with family and friends, legislators and teachers. Working together, we can Disarm Pharma and save our children.

WARNING: Before starting or stopping any prescription medication, see a qualified professional. The dangers explained in the resources below can occur while on the medications, while attempting to come off of them, and for a length of time after stopping. This web page is not meant to be medical advice but to be for educational purposes only.


Documentary Films

  • Medicating Normal: the untold story of what can happen when profit-driven medicine intersects with human beings in distress.
  • If I Had Known the RxISKS: a documentary film featuring the events that took place in the life of founder Bob Schwartz after taking prescribed medications for only 5 days.



  • AbleChild: a national parent’s rights organization dedicated to protecting full informed consent and the right to refuse psychiatric services.
  • A Better Bob Inc.:  a charity that advocates for proper testing by certified psychiatrists or psychologists before administering psychotropic drugs, citing life-threatening side effects. They aim to prevent tragedies and address the over-prescription of psychiatric drugs, including those for children and adolescents, by promoting transparency, restrictions, and compliance.
  • RxISK: a website run by a group of high-profile medical experts with international reputations in early drug-side-effect detection and risk mitigation, pharmacovigilance, and patient-centered care.
  • PharmedOut: a Georgetown University Medical Center project that advances evidence-based prescribing and educates health care professionals and students about pharmaceutical and medical device marketing practices. PharmedOut provides educational slideshows, videos, events, and information about CME courses free of industry sponsorship.
  • DrugWatch on Black Box Warnings
  • MedWatch: the FDA’s medical product safety reporting program for health professionals, patients and consumers.