Coercion through WA State’s “POP” Initiative

(website snapshots in above image from:, a “resource” linked on WA DOH POP page)

WA State’s Power of Providers (POP)

The Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) praises Washington’s Power of Providers (POP) Initiative, which aims to increase vaccination rates with no regard for individual need, risk, informed consent, or the data on the shots.

Washington State Department of Health Harnesses the Power of Providers for COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach | CDC

The CDC says that after the COVID-19 shots became available, most eligible Washington State residents were eager to get the shot. Were they? Or were they coerced by job, college, and state mandates? Were they in-the-dark as to the real capabilities and risks of the shots due to critical omissions from public health agencies?

As demand waned, the Washington Department of Health (DOH) leadership “Called for an initiative to mobilize healthcare providers to leverage their influence as trusted voices and encourage COVID-19 vaccinations during their routine patient encounters.”

“We are calling on all licensed healthcare professionals to talk to their patients about COVID-19 vaccines. It’s one person at a time. One conversation at a time. One vaccination at a time. It’s opportunities we should not miss at the diabetes check, at the blood pressure check, at the knee repair,” said Greg Engler of the DOH.

For those of us who understand why human rights declarations exist, the DOH’s call for healthcare providers to “leverage their influence as trusted voices” is a betrayal of the doctor-patient relationship and a sure way to destroy trust. This is not a new arena for the DOH. See our post A Decade of “Social Marketing” by WA DOH — and Iatrogenic Autism and Public Health Social Marketing of Vaccination: Is it Ethical?

The DOH launched the program on July 16, 2021, and POP has grown to over 71,000 providers across Washington state. That number is staggering. Are there really 71,000 providers in WA State who have somehow missed the negative efficacy of the COVID-19 shots and the unprecedented danger they present? Is the censorship in their medical-industry bubble world that controlled or is the pressure to play along that intense?

Power of Providers (POP) Initiative | Washington State Department of Health

The Washington Department of Health web site says, “POP efforts have contributed to our state having one of the highest vaccination rates in the country.  With more work to do, we look forward to having you join our initiative!”

The DOH web site further states, “Providers have power to fight COVID-19 with support from DOH resources that educate patients and clients on the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

They must think that if they say it enough times, it will come true, like Dorothy clicking her heels and saying “There’s no place like home.”

One of DOH’s resources is the Washington State Medical Association (WSMA), which over the past month held a two-part webinar, advising healthcare providers about strategies for encouraging patients to take the COVID-19 jab, and teaching them how to bill for counseling and administration. There is an art to choosing billing codes to maximize income (see Coding for Vaccine Administration and also: Vaccine Practice Payment Schedules Create Perverse Incentives for Unnecessary Medical Procedures – at What Cost to Patients?)

Upcoming Webinars (

The WSMA web site states the following:

“Maintaining a patient population immunized against the COVID-19 virus is a large-scale challenge requiring a coordinated effort, one where primary care physicians play a crucial role—more so now that mass vaccination clinics are becoming a thing of the past. Physicians are ideally suited to educate people about the importance of COVID-19 vaccines, communicate the safety and efficacy in an understandable way, address individual concerns and create a culture of confidence around the vaccines. By leveraging the trust patients have in their physicians, you can help ensure Washingtonians are receiving guidance based on sound science and good medical practice—and help counter the increasing barrage of misinformation circulating on- and offline.

“If you haven’t already, it’s time to embed the COVID-19 vaccine into routine preventive care in your practice. The WSMA has joined the Washington State Department of Health to help physician practices and clinics access the tools and information they need to incorporate the COVID-19 vaccines into their practice workflows and employ effective strategies to engage patients in conversations about the vaccine.”

The first part of the WSMA webinar was held on July 29, 2022, titled “COVID-19 Vaccines: How To Embed Them Into Routine Preventative Care.” The second part was held this past Friday, August 26, 2022. The title was, “Strategies To Discuss the COVID-19 Vaccine with Your Most Reluctant Patients.”

Topics covered in this and other such sessions included DOH’s favorite coercion method, the “Presumptive Approach.” It works like this. Instead of a provider saying to a patient, “Now that we’ve dealt with your broken leg, would you like a flu vaccine and a Covid booster?” — which leads to a dialogue, questions, and inconvenient issues of informed consent — health care providers are coached to say, “Now that we’ve dealt with your broken leg, let’s get you those flu and Covid shots you’re overdue for. The nurse will be right in. Bye!”

Listing several shots at once, telling you that you or your child are “due”, and slipping in the Covid shot as you list them off, is another strategy known as the “Bundled” method, used often on the moms of preteens to sneak in the HPV vaccine. The Bundled Method can manipulate an unsuspecting patient into thinking they should just go along with whatever they’re being told. The uneducated patient may think, “Gosh, if the doctor and nurse think the Covid shot is no big deal and safe to give with other shots, why should I be worried?”

For those reluctant to take the COVID-19 shot and who will not let the provider escape without a discussion, the “3A” approach is recommended: “Ask about concerns, Acknowledge the concerns, and then Advise.” Providers need not worry about having any real science at hand to accurately address the concerns, it’s enough to appear sympathetic, to nod, and furrow one’s brow just so, and say things like, “I do understand that there is a lot of information out there and it can be hard to know who to trust. But you can trust me. I’ve never visited VAERS, or read the Pfizer documents revealed through FOIA requests, or given a thought to lipid nanoparticle toxicity or recent spike protein research, but everything you’ve seen on the Internet is misinformation. The shot is safe and effective (click heels three times), I’ve had ten of them myself, and thank goodness I did, or that ninth time I had Covid, I would have died rather than end up in the ICU for just a week. Roll up your sleeve . . .” 

If patients refuse the COVID-19 shots, healthcare providers are advised not to remove them from their practice. Why not? Providers are told that “firing patients” runs the risk of the patients finding another practitioner who would–(gasp!)–support their vaccine-hesitant view. Wouldn’t that be a shame? Can’t risk medical freedom or informed consent taking hold. This isn’t a free republic, you know . . .oh, wait . . .

Lastly, before patients leave the office, providers are instructed to share the good news that more boosters are on their way, and that getting them all will keep them oh-so-healthy, prevent severe disease, and even prevent them from nasty disease issues that have not yet been discovered. This grooms the patient to understand that COVID-19 shots will be drawn up and waiting each and every time they visit.

Provider education is saturated with the importance of creating a vaccine-positive culture through commitment to frequent positive COVID-19 vaccine messaging that can serve as a shield against the dreaded anti-vaccine information that is the scourge of society. Vaccines have saved the world! . . . ignore the history of nutrition and sanitation, ignore the quadruple-jabbed who died of Covid, stroke, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome . . . ignore the little man behind the curtain (he’s stepping down in December, anyway.)