ICWA Weekly News

by Gerald Braude

In this newsletter:

  • An Informed Life Radio links
  • Label Lynching Misty Flowers in Whatcom County
  • Heart Issues in Washington
  • John Stockton Makes His Points at Wenatchee Event
  • Three Health Freedom Events Coming Up

February 3, 2023 Episode of An Informed Life Radio notes and links

Guests: Danielle Baker, Dr. Henry Ealy

Label Lynching Misty Flowers in Whatcom County

In his book Technocracy: The Hard Road To World Order, Patrick M. Wood coins the term “label lynching” in the following manner: “This is why we have been browbeaten into silence with political correctness, label lynching, and fear.”

In a February 1, 2023 Bellingham Herald article, the headline resorted to this tactic by calling Be Brave Washington member Misty Flowers an “anti-vaccine applicant.”

 Whatcom vaccine opponent rejected for health advisory panel | Bellingham Herald

The first paragraph in the article went on to call her a “vaccine opponent.” The second paragraph called her “an anti-vaccine activist.”

Not to be undone, the Cascadia Daily News published an article the same day in which the introductory paragraph labeled Flowers as a vaccine skeptic:

“The Whatcom County Health Board got into a heated dispute Jan. 31 over vaccine skeptics who sought positions on the county’s Public Health Advisory Board.”

Tempers flare at Whatcom Health Board meeting (cascadiadaily.com)

The reporter, Ralph Schwartz, went on to take a cheap shot at Flowers by stating that she had made an unsubstantiated claim:

“Flowers reasserted her skepticism over vaccines at the Jan. 31 meeting, making the unsubstantiated claim that hundreds of people in Bellingham between the ages of 20 and 60 were “dying suddenly without cause,” suggesting without any evidence their deaths were due to the COVID-19 vaccine.”

All Schwartz had to do to find the substance of this claim was read the article in the Bellingham Herald when Flowers said,

“If you do not understand the reality that’s going on in Bellingham right now, I urge you to look on the obituaries for Legacy.com, type in ‘Bellingham died suddenly.’ There are hundreds of people that are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s that are dying suddenly without cause.”

A keyword search of “Bellingham died suddenly” at that www.legacy.com web site shows that, although, it is not in the hundreds, forty-five obituaries of died suddenly in Bellingham appear since the COVID-19 shot rollout began in December, 2020.

Furthermore, to see the damage done by the COVID-19 shots, all Schwartz had to do was go to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System for the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention, which shows that 212 deaths have occurred following the COVID-19 jab here in Washington, and deaths following the COVID-19 shots in the United States and its territories have recently gone over 34,000.

During the public comment period at the February 7, 2023 Whatcom County Council meeting, Flowers set the record straight when she said,

“I’ve never considered myself anti-vaccine. I just want to educate the public about the 1986 Act and the PREP Act, which both protect the pharmaceutical industry from liability lawsuits. Why is that called anti-vaccine? Why am I being smeared because I support informed choice?”

The best place to start for how Flowers ended up defending her reputation is the January 9, 2023 “Facts not Fear” rally at the State Capitol. A short time after she sang a set of songs, Flowers informed the crowd of the activism that Be Brave Washington has been doing that others can be doing in their communities as well. At the forefront, three Be Brave members were applying for the seven vacancies on the Whatcom County Public Health Advisory Board.

Folksinger Misty Flowers performs at the January 9, 2023 “Facts not Fear” rally at the State Capitol.

Republicans Tyler Byrd, Ben Ellenbaas, and Kathy Kerschner all voted for Be Brave members Misty Flowers, Susan Prosser, and Hannah Ordos. All that was needed was one vote from one of the other members to be accepted onto the health advisory board. But none of the four Democrats on the council voted for them.

In a tone of astonishment and despair, Republican Ellenbaas praised the three Be Brave members for attending as well as voicing their opinions, at all the county council meetings and said this passion should not be passed over. He mocked the county health board and the Democrats on the county council by saying, “Diversity is important so long as it is not against the majority.” He then nominated the three to the remaining three positions instead of waiting for those positions to be filled by applicants from other committees. Byrd seconded. About the Be Brave members who were not accepted, Byrd added, “The diverse experience from those three and their years of commitment is what we’re looking for.”

But this vote did not get any of the Be Brave members on the board, either, for while the three Republicans voted for them, three Democrats voted against them, and the remaining Democrat, Todd Donovan, abstained.  Later on January 31, Donovan walked out of the Whatcom County Health Board meeting after health advisory board Chairman Steve Bennet and other county officials were criticized for not voting for the three Be Brave members.

At the February 7 county council meeting, a Be Brave member, who was fired from his job as a school bus driver for refusing to take the COVID-19 shot, said during the public comment period that Donovan walked out of that meeting because he was not prepared to engage the challenges facing him and that he should resign. Applicant Hannah Ordos also participated in the public comment period and focused her criticism on the board’s allowing only three minutes for the public to comment. On the bright side for Be Brave Washington, Ordos has been recently accepted onto the Whatcom County Behavioral Health Advisory Committee, which is one of the three committees that the county council is expected to draw from for its next approval of an applicant onto the public health advisory board.

Heart Issues in Washington

The following link to the graphs in Google Trends shows the spike in searches for heart issues since the December 2020 rollout of the COVID-19 shot.

Below is the Interest over time on Google Trends for Myocarditis, Cardiac arrest, Heart inflammation‬, heart attack – Washington, 1/1/20 – 2/1/23 – VIEW FULL SEARCH


 John Stockton Makes His Points at Wenatchee Event

Pandemic Harms Listening Session – Wenatchee, WA – 28Jan23

The six opponents are as follows:

  1. The elite globalists.
  2. Tony Fauci and the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  3. The Government, in particular President Joe Biden and Washington Governor Jay Inslee.
  4. The industry of medicine.
  5. The media.
  6. The pharmaceutical companies.

Stockton said that they have “committed technical fouls so egregious they need to be kicked out of the game.” Stockton then said, “We are the solutions as well,” before providing the following list:

  1. Restore our freedom by first removing all mandates.
  2. Pharmaceutical advertising should be banned.
  3. The 1986 Act should be reversed or repealed.
  4. Eliminate government health agencies, such as the CDC and FDA.
  5. Gain of function ring leaders need to be brought to justice.
  6. All forms of medicine need to be overhauled.
  7. Recognition of those who have been harmed by vaccines.
  8. Term limits on politicians.
  9. Get a handle on surveillance technologies.

Three Health Freedom Events Coming Up

  1. Tony Fauci Is Coming To Town
    1. This meme has been posted on the internet: Wanted Tony Fauci: For Crimes Against Humanity
    2. Health freedom lovers are encouraged to bring signs, flyers, and noisemakers to the Seattle Summit Convention Center, 900 Pine Street, for the Sunday, February 19 protest. The Conference on Retroviruses and other Opportunistic Infections (CROI) is expected to run from 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Seattle Truth Network says, “Join us all day but don’t miss 3:00 to 5:00.”
  2. Every Tuesday at the State Capitol
    1. Informed Choice Washington will be joining March for Freedom and other medical freedom groups to bring their message to the Capitol every Tuesday from 11:00 to 1:00 until the legislative session ends on April 23. The messages to the legislatures include ending all COVID-19 mandates, hold all public officials accountable—notably Governor Jay Inslee—support legislation to prevent this three-year nightmare of strangleholds from ever happening again.
  3. The FLAME newspaper fundraising Gala this Friday Feb. 18th in Mukilteohttps://www.ignitetheflamegala.com/