OSPI Adds New Rule Without Public Notice or Consent

While citizens were distracted with the holidays, the WA State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) used RCW 34.05.350 to adopt an EMERGENCY RULE that withholds funding from schools that do not follow Governor Inslee’s health and safety requirements contained within Proclamation 20-09, et seq., or vaccination requirements contained within Proclamation 21-14, et seq.  (“et seq.” means all the updates and additions to the named proclamation). A list of all of Governor Inslee’s proclamations can be found here: https://www.governor.wa.gov/office-governor/official-actions/proclamations

This new OSPI rule is intended to undermine the school boards and districts that read the full body of science on the DOH’s approach to COVID-19, listened to the concerns of parents, teachers, and staff, and decided to operate their schools in a manner that provided the overall best environment for everyone. The new rule is intended to silence dissenting actions and dissenting opinions.

Health is not the motivation for OSPI— securing and retaining all of the federal money flooding to schools is the motivation. That federal money is tied with COVID-19 masking, testing, tracking, isolating, and vaccinating strings. WA State’s total share is $7.1 billion. https://www.nea.org/resource-library/neas-guide-federal-emergency-aid-amounts-uses-and-requirements

Please talk to your elected officials about OSPI’s rule and let them know our children’s physical, emotional, and psychological health are worth more than 7 billion dollars. Our children are priceless. Local communities must be allowed to decide how to best protect themselves. It is clear that the DOH and CDC’s approach have utterly failed to protect and have instead caused massive harm. OSPI’s new rule must be repealed.


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